tirsdag den 15. april 2008

American Gods

OK, I went to New York during this Easter to visit some family and generally see New York for the second time.
(Denmark is still very Christianized and we have loads of holidays on really holy days ...among other around Easter, so getting off the studies wasn't a problem)

And well. Me and me Mom and me roommate went together.
My Mom and I was to get to my cousins Confirmation (again, the Danish culture is still full of Chistian traditions....it's quiet annoying sometimes.... Some even thing that Yule is a Christian feast, the don't know their history!)
But it was nice to see the family, the party was good and my two little American cousins even managed to learn the Our Father and the Creed in Danish.
Well, they almost learned it.

And then my Roomie joined us in N.Y. and we went exploring.

Both my Roomie and I've read American Gods as well as God Eaters and The Darkness, so we wanted to find a homosexual, djinni. Preferably a taxi-driver.
We did not find any. We didn't even get to see lesbian go-go-dancers.

But we fond out what our gods do when they get to the U.S.!

Everybody knows that gene-scientists from Poland gets to be hairdressers in America and so on,
But seeing what The Allfather Odin was doing gave us a surprise:

Well, All hail to our God Wotan the Fashion Importer?
I would believe it if it was Baldur... or maybe Loki.
But Woden?

I guess you never know about whats happening in the higher realms

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