søndag den 24. august 2008

Film Festivals and CouchSurfing

My homecity is rather boring. We have the occasional café life, some rather good bars and of course all the students hangouts, but when it come to the important stuff as cultural happenings or promoting some private sponsored event, well it's a dumb!

Bur we do have our annual Free International Short Film Festival in August! For 5 days you can walk into the small cinemas and view excellent/hilarious/sweet/sad/beautiful Short Films.
There's both normal films, experimental films and animated movies. It's a wonderful time, if you got the time to watch movies from 10am to 10pm.

This was the 23th Festival. I've been a regular the last 5 years. Funny thing. I've lived here for 25 years, but I haven't noticed something like that. I think I might have gone to the Short Fim Festival with my father before he died, but I really don't remember.
Anyway. The movies are often intense and mind broadening, but the funny thing is that it's most likely those film you didn't expect to enjoy, that'll make the biggest impression.
Though I saw some rather interesting Danish animations from the 1960s....they were pornographic, but still they reminded very much of the kind of animations I saw in my childhood, and in fact they were by the same artists. That was interesting.

Most years I go to the Festival alone. It's easier that way, cause I don't have to argue about where to go and what show to choose. But this year I was joined by an Israeli girl who was traveling in Scandinavia and CouchSurfing at my place.
CouchSurfing is a great tool! It's a wonderful idea to ask other people to stay at their place for a night or two, and thus traveling the world and meeting new people. I really hope I'll be able to travel like that too, soon!

I've only had good experiences with the people I've met from CouchSurfing. They are fun and ready to try wacky things.
So, I've used the last couple of days speaking a rather lousy English and watching Short Films and eating healthy stuff.

onsdag den 21. maj 2008


Jeg læser weekendavisen, jeg abonnere på den og læser den hver uge...om posten vil (det bud der var i mit område havde ingen æresfølelse eller pli! Så jeg var nød til at ændre mit abonnement til postomdelt for at få min avis.
Men jeg læser den avis hver uge, og jeg er glad.

Hvorfor kan man så spørge...?
Joeh, Som sådan holder jeg også meget af Information, for deres gennemførte meninger. Jyllandsposten for deres grundige artikeler og Politikken for deres gode bredde...selvom alle disse aviser er deprimerende Kbh centreret, og sjældent tænker at der altså er forskel på Kbh og Dnamark.

Jeg må indrømme at Weekendavisen heler ikke altid kan kende forskel på Kbh og Danmark.
Men weekendavisen er alligevel så meget og fantastiks bedre end de andre jeg har nævnt.
Når jeg læser weekendavisen ved jeg at de naturvidenskabelige artikler rent faktisk indeholder ret nyre historier og brugbare fakta.
Jeg ved at de sommetider har anmelderser af tegneserier, såvel som grafiske noveller og almindelige bøger.
Jeg ser at når Weekendavisen andmelder en film, så kommenterer anmeldren ikke kun sin egen mening, men vedkommende forstår at referere til den originale novelle eller bog! Det er fantastisk at læse en anmeldelse af en Miyasaki Animé både ud fra indtrykket af filmen, og det originale bogforlæg.

Jeg læser også weekendavisen fordi jeg kan overkomme det. Jeg har ikke tid til at læse avis hver dag. Jeg læser når jeg kan, og en ugentlig avis, der ikke kommer med irriterene, irrelevante pop-artikler, kan sagtens strækkes over en uge.

Jeg læser Weekendavisen fordi jeg nyder blandingen af social årvågenhed og kanpen for den keletes ret til at eje sit eget.
For at høre om dem der klare sig selv, og have medlidenhed med dem som ikke kan uden hjælp.

For at lære lidt om verden

For at lære lidt om mig selv

mandag den 21. april 2008


Vejret er helt fantastisk for tiden. Det er virkelig ved at blive forår.
Jeg render rundt hele dagen og nyder at solen skinner.
Står tidligt op og går sent i seng

Og hvor blir man udmattet af det

torsdag den 17. april 2008


Got my first two tattoos!

On the left wrist:

Eh. It's black on white skin of course.

And on the right wrist:

Again, tha tattoo is black on white skin.

I'm so happy.

No, it didn't hurt, it tickeled a little and now I've got sore skin. But I'm defiantly going to get more :)

onsdag den 16. april 2008

Snerler og Valmuer

I like plants. They are green and funny and useful.
I like to work with them and use them for all kinds of things; like healing illness, spicing food, dyeing cloth, making essential oils and cosmetics, extracting perfumes and probably a lot more I just haven't mentioned.
I even like working with plants. You know preparing the soil, sow the seeds, caring for the plants and I even like to weed my garden (if I have a garden).

But I have never been very good with flowers. Not that I don't like flowers or that I'm allergic. It's just....
Flowers are OK I guess, but I'm just not very interested in flowers.
Yea, they have pretty colors and they smell nice, but I mostly see them as something which are on its way to become a very interesting seed!

Now seeds, corns, nuts and that stuff, thay are funny!

But after all my grumbels about my lack of interest for flowers I have to tell that there are two flowers I really love.

I just adore the Poppy. And I prefer it with its Danish name: Valmue

(''val'' means numb or battlefield...both things fit, I loke when the name of the plant fits its qualities. Like you can get morphine from poppies therefore is numbness related to the plant. And you often see poppies on battlefields. Numbnes and battles have something to do with valor too. You feel like a hero on heroine (and heroine is derived from morphine for those who've forgotten that.))

No reason other than it's impossible to pick a bunch of Poppy flowers! The leaves fall off immediately after the flower is picked.
That's so adoring somehow.

The other flower i like is morning glory. Here too i prefer the the Danish name: Snerle

(It has something to do with ensnare or allure. And the flower is alluringly beautiful and it's a weed who ensnare other plants to get up to the sun.)

I just like that plant. No rasons I guess....

tirsdag den 15. april 2008

American Gods

OK, I went to New York during this Easter to visit some family and generally see New York for the second time.
(Denmark is still very Christianized and we have loads of holidays on really holy days ...among other around Easter, so getting off the studies wasn't a problem)

And well. Me and me Mom and me roommate went together.
My Mom and I was to get to my cousins Confirmation (again, the Danish culture is still full of Chistian traditions....it's quiet annoying sometimes.... Some even thing that Yule is a Christian feast, the don't know their history!)
But it was nice to see the family, the party was good and my two little American cousins even managed to learn the Our Father and the Creed in Danish.
Well, they almost learned it.

And then my Roomie joined us in N.Y. and we went exploring.

Both my Roomie and I've read American Gods as well as God Eaters and The Darkness, so we wanted to find a homosexual, djinni. Preferably a taxi-driver.
We did not find any. We didn't even get to see lesbian go-go-dancers.

But we fond out what our gods do when they get to the U.S.!

Everybody knows that gene-scientists from Poland gets to be hairdressers in America and so on,
But seeing what The Allfather Odin was doing gave us a surprise:

Well, All hail to our God Wotan the Fashion Importer?
I would believe it if it was Baldur... or maybe Loki.
But Woden?

I guess you never know about whats happening in the higher realms

mandag den 14. april 2008

Accidentally Online

Som om det ikke var nok at jeg skriver tåbelige ting på bloggen på blackmarket, eller at jeg har en livejournal.....

Jeg læser sjældent andre blogs, jeg glemmer selv at opdatere blogs. Jeg har aldrig skrevet dagbog og i min verden er en journal noget man har i laboratoriet.

Men her er den.
Min blog.
Ved virkelig ikke hvad den skal bruges til,
Sproget bliver nok en blanding af dansk og engelsk.
Emnerne bliver uransagelige og jeg snakker mest med billeder.

Verden er af lave