søndag den 24. august 2008

Film Festivals and CouchSurfing

My homecity is rather boring. We have the occasional café life, some rather good bars and of course all the students hangouts, but when it come to the important stuff as cultural happenings or promoting some private sponsored event, well it's a dumb!

Bur we do have our annual Free International Short Film Festival in August! For 5 days you can walk into the small cinemas and view excellent/hilarious/sweet/sad/beautiful Short Films.
There's both normal films, experimental films and animated movies. It's a wonderful time, if you got the time to watch movies from 10am to 10pm.

This was the 23th Festival. I've been a regular the last 5 years. Funny thing. I've lived here for 25 years, but I haven't noticed something like that. I think I might have gone to the Short Fim Festival with my father before he died, but I really don't remember.
Anyway. The movies are often intense and mind broadening, but the funny thing is that it's most likely those film you didn't expect to enjoy, that'll make the biggest impression.
Though I saw some rather interesting Danish animations from the 1960s....they were pornographic, but still they reminded very much of the kind of animations I saw in my childhood, and in fact they were by the same artists. That was interesting.

Most years I go to the Festival alone. It's easier that way, cause I don't have to argue about where to go and what show to choose. But this year I was joined by an Israeli girl who was traveling in Scandinavia and CouchSurfing at my place.
CouchSurfing is a great tool! It's a wonderful idea to ask other people to stay at their place for a night or two, and thus traveling the world and meeting new people. I really hope I'll be able to travel like that too, soon!

I've only had good experiences with the people I've met from CouchSurfing. They are fun and ready to try wacky things.
So, I've used the last couple of days speaking a rather lousy English and watching Short Films and eating healthy stuff.